
Friday, August 29, 2008

Thankful for...

I am thankful for... A surprise bloon of yellow petals as Summer gently fades into Autumn. Our sunflowers have finally decided to wake up from their gangly green stems and put the sun into the rainy days of late August here in the middle of england.
Little girls on an adventure. In the depths of Sherwood forest, Robin hood is hiding somewhere and they are determined to find him.
What's that noise? I'm sure he's just around the corner Boo!

A little girl who is growing out of babyhood way to fast! Full of sweet smiles, wet kisses and sparkling eyes for everyone she meets.

Sisters who are best friends. Who read stories to eachother, make mischief with each other, cuddle up in bed for naps together, and can never bear to see the other hurt.

Baby curls...

And wondering whatever do angels think about on their days off :0)...

Check out the GRATITUDE community @ Holy Experience


  1. What a delightful picture story! Truly, so much to be thankful for, and what beautiful reminders...

  2. Beautiful pictures to show what you're thankful for!

  3. awe..I love your story in pictures..i LOVE the pics of your girls. Especially the b&w ones. How precious!I love the way you expressed what you are thankful for. Neat :) Your flowers are beautiful!! Thanks for sharing. Sure put a smile on my face.

  4. Your little girls really are the sweetest little things. They don't put off that aura of jadedness or worldliness I see in most kids anymore.

  5. The photos of you daughters are always so tender.

    What fun to be able to play in the real Sherwood Forest!

  6. So sweet, so much to be grateful for Suzy! Your daughters are so beautiful ~ and you capture them so beautifuly!

  7. speaking of beautiful.... =D Thanks for your visit and comment, your blog is soothing and uplifting and I see we share many thoughts and interests in common. (((God's Peace)))

  8. God bless your beautiful children, Suzy - and the whole family. Captivating photos. A joy.

  9. Beautiful pics of the kids, and I am loving that sunflower close up too. (I have a sunflower thing)

  10. Absolutely beautiful!

  11. Oh, how wonderful!!! Pictures as always are so beautiful, especially in Sherwood Forest! Cathy

  12. Beautiful lighting in those pics! I've just returned from Nottingham visiting friends. I didn't get to the major oak but enjoyed Clumber Park!

  13. Clumber Park is great isn't it!
    A great place to get lost for a day in :0)


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