
Monday, September 01, 2008

Simple Woman's Daybook

For Today...

Outside my Window... The street is empty. In the distance, past the rooftops of neighbouring houses, I see the trees upon the hill rustling beneath a granite coloured sky. Autumn is on it's way I think :0)

I am thinking... When the baby falls asleep for her nap i'll go downstairs and make dinner and read with the girls.

I am thankful for... How blessed I am too feel God working in and through my life. Having healthy, happy girls. Fullfillment. Finding Joy in simple things. And a gift of hope in life that I know will stay with me no matter what.

From the kitchen... Penne with fresh tomatoe and basil sauce for dinner.

I am wearing... A brown smock top and a long denim skirt.

I am reading... "Who told you that you were naked?" by Br. John Jacob Raub.

I am hoping... That a friend of mine that has been having some struggles will soon find peace.

I am creating... Memories, a journal for my girls, Homemade Christmas gifts.

I am hearing... My little 16 month old babbling instead of snoring like she should be. Maybe she's growing out of naptime ;0)

Around the house... Laundry as usual...

One of my favorite things... How about 4! Listening to my girls play outside making up imaginary stories. A nap in the afternoon after a busy morning, with the little ones snuggled up beside me.
Lighting candles in the evening and saying prayers and reading stories with the girls cuddled up in a quilt on the sofa. A good cup of tea.

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week... Getting my four year old ready to start school (sob;0(
Making the most of the last three days of the holidays. Finishing off some craft projects for Christmas presents. Posting an aid box to Zimbabwe.

Here is a picture thought I am sharing with you...
A little doll I knitted for the girls for Christmas "Daisy May"



  1. I also think that Autumn is on it's way. Good bye Summer :( I love that you are making journals for your girls. What a precious gift that will be.:) I have to smile when you say that you are listening to your 16month old babble. :) yup..maybe nap time is over. :) & sending your 4 yr old off to school. :( Have a wonderful day!!!!

  2. What a precious and soon-to-be treasured gift for your girlies! I'm glad that I'm not the only one whose thinking about Christmas in September!! Lots of planning to do and so little time!! Have a blessed week!

  3. That doll is precious.

  4. I enjoyed reading your daybook :)

    My Daybook Entry

  5. You really are so creative and gifted, Suzy. That little baby doll is so lovely - and hand-knit - that says so much too!

  6. &:o) Always love reading about your days, Suzy. And little Daisy May is so cute!

  7. How blessed I am too feel God working in and through my life. Having healthy, happy girls. Fullfillment. Finding Joy in simple things. And a gift of hope in life that I know will stay with me no matter what.

    Me too, sister. Loved that little doll you made. Just adorable!

  8. That is such a cute, knitted doll! And three cheers for you for starting on Christmas gifts. That is great planning ahead!


Thank you for your thoughts.