Monday, September 29, 2008

Our Weekend!

A few pieces to share from our weekend.

Emmy found this beautiful, transparent leaf in the garden and brought it in to take a picture of it.

Time for Piano practise girls!
Hey you missed your timing sis!

Move over here comes the professional! One of my great joys is listening to Emmy play the piano.

Here are my beautiful three "big" girls! There were just to many other exciting things to do in the garden for Seraphina other than have her picture taken ( like dig out my red onion plants for instance ;0)

The dresses they are wearing come from charity shops and in total their outfits in total probably came to around £8. We have stopped buying new clothes completly now. Apart from underwear, swim suits and school uniforms, we either sew our own, buy from a fair trade store or from a charity shop. Besides saving lot's of money it feels good to know that charities are being helped out. REcycling of course helps the environment too! And of course aids the fair trade cause.

One of the things I love most is watching Matilda and Bujana using their imaginations in the garden. This weekend they made a bird nest, became nature detectives ( looking for signs of Autumn! Dug out and planted their own pretend garden, made a pretend camp fire, became bears in a bear cave (under the kitchen table covered with a blanket) and were pirates in their very own pirate ship with wooden swords and a gangplank and everything!Here is their pirate ship! THe umbella is a sail. Or as Bujana rather pragmatically remarked it may also come in useful if it should rain out at sea!

THey love creepy crawlies of all kinds! Here is Bujana catching ahem... (rescuing) a spider in a spoon!

We had a wonderful weekend!

On Satuarday morning we welcomed the arrival of 5 little baby bunnies! The proud parents are Peter and Poppy our black and white dwarf lops. The babies have been named, so I am informed, Pixie, Digger, Beau, Wiggles and Flopsy. They are totally blind, almost naked and adorably cute. The funniest thing is the little grunting sound they make as they snuffle about in their nest.This is the nest that Poppy built for her babies. Isn't it snug! She used plently of fur so she is now quite patchy and lots and lots of warm, sweet smelling hay.

Even though it is September the Dahlia's and Sunflowers are at their peak. I just love the way the crisp Autumn sunlight brings out the details and colours in the flowers.
Sunflowers just make you smile don't they.
All the little ones love to play in the sandpit. It is a goldmine for inventive play. They pretend to plant, they dig for treasure, they build castles, they sieve, they make sand pies and sand cakes, they bury their little hands and toes, they make tracks for their toy cars and trains to run on...

We used up the last of the plums from my parents garden and made lots of plum and pear jam!

I never use a recipe to make jam ( or anything else) but somehow it always turns out really nice. I like jam that has a rich fruity taste, sweet but not over sweet and full of pulpy pieces of soft fruit! Plum and Pear jam is probably my favourite of all.No my draining board is never clear lol ;0)Emmy doing her favourite thing in the world. Read one of her beloved books!
By Sunday afternoon... Well this is how you'll find me lol ;0)
Emmy preparing for evening bible reading and prayer time. Peace in His Friendship as the day find's it's rest.


  1. so many beautiful photos Suzy. I cannot pick a favourite.

    Your baby rabbits are cute. We breed dwarf rabbits when we lived in Adelaide and loved the little babies.


  2. Suzy, wow. What a lovely home you have. I love all your pics but my favourite is of your daughter praying, I guess because my eldest is of similar age and starting to express her faith in God.

    Really beautiful.

    By the way, I have awarded you something:


  3. Your weekend exuded peace, creativity, imagination, love, faith . . . and your girls are just beautiful.


  4. Amazing photos. The leaf looks like gold! Precious times. Thanks for sharing :)

  5. wow..looks like you all had a beautiful, amazing weekend!i LOVE your precious pics!! The bunnies are adorable!!!How breath taking to look and breath and take it all in..thanks for sharing!! :)..sending MANY blessings your way!!!

  6. This is just a simply outstanding post, Suzy. You are a credit to motherhood - I really mean that.And all those lovely photos - as Therese has already said I couldn't pick a favourite.
    We have a sand pit in school and all you say about it is so true - endless fun, and lots of possibilities.

  7. Gosh I just came to check my comments and am so overwhelmed by how sweet you all are :0)
    Thanks so much it means so much :0)

  8. And a glorious weekend to be cherished by all...including me. Felt I was on this glorious journey with you! Thank you for inviting me into your very special world. Cathy

  9. Great and beautiful pictures!


Thank you for your thoughts.