Saturday, April 12, 2008

My Emmy

Emmy just turned 10!

I can't believe it!

It feels like yesterday that I was looking into my beautiful little girl's milky blue newborn eyes in the morning light of a beautiful Spring morning.

March 1st is the first day of Spring, and it was certainly the begining of a new life for me, that wonderful Sunny, Sunday morning at 8: 28 exactly.
As I came out of the labour ward into the bright light of the corridors I heard the soft gentle music of a song that will always and forever remind me of my little (big) baby girl.

"Here comes the sun little darlin"
Here comes the sun... and I say, it's alright, it's alright.

Emmanule Jade you are... my lil' sunbeam I whispered to myself.

The first thing I noticed about my little baby girl were her incredibly long eyelashes. She had big gentle eyes like those of a baby calf.

Something that made me smile was that for a week after she was born a little tuft of hair stood on end upon the top of her head. However well we shampooed it, it always dried into the same style!

Her little legs remained curled up into the shape of a frog, just as they had been in my belly for at least a month and her mouth was small and soft as a rosebud!

My little Emmy jade grew into such a jolly little girl. She would talk to anyone. When we were at holiday in Norfolk when she was 3 she stopped beside an elderly couple sitting on an old bench and began talking to them about the seagulls on the sands, her little pair of binoculars swinging happily around her neck.
Old people have always liked her quaint old fashioned ways. She always gets on with them!

Emmy loved to play pretend and often curled up in a blanket telling me quite earnestly that it was her nest and she was a baby bird just about to crack out of her egg!

She has always had the most wonderful imagination,. Oh how I would love to get lost for an hour in that little girls thoughts.

What an adventure I would have!

Her cheeks have always been rosy and round and the first nick name that came into my head for her was "cherry pie" This very shortly was shortened to just "Pie" however.

My sweet Pie.
Until she was 5 she had the softest baby hair on her temples that would only grow to around an inch long. I used to call them her " fuzzies" I would kiss them as I held her close to read a story or chat and she would say. " Are you snuggling my fuzzies Mummy?" heehee!

As she has grown the sun has begun to tan and dapple her cheeks with freckles and her green eyes are turning with the Autumn leaves to a lovely golden hazel.

Sometimes she reminds me of a bambi deer:0) Her golden brown locks and cinnamon dusted cheeks:0)

As she has grown I can only marvel at her.

Whatever she does, she puts her whole heart and soul into.

She has such an innocent, joyful, fun nature.

She is so very special.

Whoever she meets takes a little piece of sunshine away with them.

When Emmanuelle was born I new that God was with me. Even though he never left me, it was she who helped me to realise his love.


She brought a little piece of heaven down to earth in her small baby hands.
And she gave me the gift of life with her birth.
I love her so:)

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