Wednesday, September 26, 2007

A Sad Farewell

I know Jewels loved mother and child pictures so heres a little tribute:0)

It's amazing how quickly, through reading a blog, you seem to become attached to it. How
almost without realising it becomes a part of your life and reading it becomes a treasured time in your day.

I feel quite a sense of loss as Jewels at the beautiful "Eyes of Wonder" has decided to delete her very special blog. The desicion is the right one as her family must come first, and as she rightly explains, the internet exposes them to all kinds of unwanted attention. " Eyes of Wonder"
often genrated over 2000 hits a day! And of course you never know who is out there. It's so unfortunate that in the world we live in we have to be so afraid of such things isn't it.

Maybe this is partly why Jewels' blog spoke to so many people's hearts.

Sometimes the world just seems to be full of negativity, and despair. When you find something which is utterly filled with God's beauty and love it is like finding a candle in the darkness.

Jewels' life is a simple one. Her family of ten are homeschooled and semi self sufficent. They make their own clothes, and their home is filled with the children beautiful handmade creations or treasured finds form thrift stores. There home is also filled with many gifts from friends. As a family who naturally reaches out to others they are generously blessed in return.

A life of family, friends, work, play, love, joy, simplicity but above all a life built around God's word, touched so many, showed so many, inspired so many, comforted so many and shall be missed by so many.

Goodbye Jewels. Many blessings to you and yours.

The internet can be a haphazard environment to navigate at times, but thanks to it you held out your hand to another mother 2000 miles away and touched her heart with your life:0)

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