Saturday, December 22, 2007

An Advent Meditation

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There is a deep longing within all people. We are born with it.

Like a distant memory of something precious that has been lost. The longing whispers in the ear like a long forgotten lullaby. Like a child in it's mother's arms the song consoles us even when we are to small to understand the words she sings.

This longing manifests itself as an ache within the heart, a swell of tears behind the eyes, and as a lethargy through the body.

All are traces of a memory. The memory of playing in a beautiful garden as a child. Carefree and joyful.

And the memory is real. It is the memory of our original place in God's kingdom, the place we left through sin and the place we long to return to.

We are all homesick little children in search of our Father. Only wishing for his arms to embrace us once again.

And that longing deep inside is his calling to us, his voice in the core of our souls. And the tears that flow from our eyes weep at the reflection of ourselves in the ocean of his love. We long to become as droplets dissolved into the ebb and flow of that distant blue shore. Our eyes stinging in the tierd awakening of the dawn light.

Advent brings this longing and expectancy we hold within us and bears it into the world with the birth of Jesus.

Mary, his mother , and ours, represents the child of the garden, free from sin and stain, Joyful in her abandonment to God's grace.

Jesus, the child of God is the flower that emerges from the dark soil of the earth and reminds us of a new Springtime.

His birth was a birth that gives life to all.

And that deep longing within us is led back to the garden once more by the little Christ Child.


  1. What a perfect reflection to start this Saturday before Christmas, Suzy! Just beautiful. Beautiful. Is this your writing??

  2. Thankyou Lisa for your lovely comment.
    I had some time on the computer this morning as hubby took the kids out so I got a little carried away!

  3. Thank you Suzy for these wonderful feelings you shared with us .
    I wish you Merry Christmas with your family and friends and a Happy New Year 2008!
    Thank You for the special moments I spent here, visiting your blog and for all kind words you gave me on mine this year. I hope to see you next year in this strange but so interesting virtual world, in peace and harmony.

  4. oh.. how beautifuly said. Thank you for sharing. It touched my heart. Merry Christmas!!

  5. Suzy, that is so beautiful! You have such a gift for words to express the deepest feelings of our souls! Blessings to you and have a Merry Christmas!

  6. You wrote this yourself?? Wow. I thought you'd copied it from one of the classics. Happy Christmas!

  7. Beautiful photograph and words. Stop by anytime at


  8. I have been so busy I failed to stop by here on my "travels" I'm a week behind so I nearly miss this one. You are so gifted and your words are a treasure. I am excited that there are two places now for which to "meet". God Bless!!


Thank you for your thoughts.