Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Autumn 2008

A few details:
Leaves dipped in sunilght, dew glinting like polished jade upon the long green grass. Sheep grazing yonder, gentle and serene.

We walk, wait, gaze, continue. Weave a story in gold and green...

A story wrought among the brambles and ragged grass. A fairy tale maybe? For three princesses ?
A little one sleepy from the fresh air and the glow of the trees, the sparking embers of falling leaves...
Searching for the last speck of a gleaming horizon upon the hillside, a pencil line of glinting silver.
The perfect woodland dwelling for a fairy princess!
Boo finds..... Another leaf.
And I amaze. At the wonder she finds in each and every fallen "treasure" she collects. For her they are all "treasures" to her.
A hundred or more leaves that scatter to the ground around us, similar in form, colour and shape are all uniquly crafted in her sight. Her eyes see.
Her child's eyes see and set apart. To recognise the beauty and sacredness in every stem and vein and frayed edged Autumn leaf that finds her.

Deer grazing on the meadow beyond.

A church Spire silhoetted against a naked tree.
Beholding the last light of an Autumn evening.

"The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters. He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake.
Psalm 23.

And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. [Genesis, 1:1-3]


  1. These are stunning pictures.
    What a lovely family.

  2. Left you a present at

  3. Exquisitely beautiful, Poetically satisfying, and Spiritually refreshing! Thanks for the Blessing!

  4. My how beautiful. Must be heaven. What a beautiful family picture! Cathy

  5. Glad to see you back again, Suzy, after your blogging break.
    The photos are lovely - autumn is so full of colour and sometimes it takes a child to show us the treasures at our feet.

  6. Welcome back, Suzy! Your pictures are beautiful!

  7. sigh~ just beautiful! I just love seeing all of you. Those family pictures between the land of trees is precious. Missed you, Suzy! &:o)

  8. That was beautiful. Thank you for sharing!


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