Wednesday, December 31, 2008

'cause sometimes all you need is.....

A cuddle to make you feel better :0)
In your favourite "Bella-mina" (Ballerina) dress of course!


  1. Max wants a ballerina costume. Green, with dinosaurs all over.

  2. I had that very same blue pullover as your husband (?), until it was bundled by accident into the tumble dryer and shrank horribly. It was my favourite and I sulked for the whole day. Not that my wife took any notice of course. :)

  3. So glad to hear Tilly is doing better :)

  4. I think you should get one for him Marie :0) I'm all for kids expressing their individuality ;0)

    Sorry to hear about your pullover Robert :0(

    Thanks so much Lisa :0)
    Great to "see" you.
    Blessings for the New Year ~


Thank you for your thoughts.