Being right with Jesus before I try to be right with anyone else.
Taking off the shackles of the mind. Sinking down into the still waters dwelling in the heart.
Remembering that peace increases with trust, whatever the outside circumstances
Taking life without the frills. Eating simple. Mind, body and soul.
Reaching out to touch the truth in the kind of beauty which comes unadorned.
Not forgeting that it's the the inside of the cup that needs the most attention.
Welcoming the outsider into my heart. The one who opposes me. The one who threatens me. The one who other's reject. See how the reflection in another's eyes is deep within a part of my own self.
Embrace. Love.
pHOTO : My hand after spending a morning planting, painting and play doughing with the girls.
Real, true, unpretty, but touched with the fabric of the everyday life I love and embrace.
Better than a french manicure.